The Company’s Board of Directors clearly specifies the policy and guideline on stakeholder groups. The Company’s Code of Conduct was reviewed and improved as the framework for directors, executives and employees in treating each stakeholder group including shareholders, employees, customers, creditors, partners, competitors, the government and communities around the Company’s premises, t o ensure the protection of their legal rights. The policy and guidelines are announced and published through various channels and the Company’s website. Here is the summary:

Treatment of Shareholders
  1. Operate business to generate growth, profits and good returns for shareholders.
  2. Operate business with carefulness, caution, integrity and fairness for all shareholders.
  3. Respect the right to receive information; and disclose quality, accurate, complete, sufficient, and equitable information.
  4. Monitor and ensure compliance with the policy and Code of Conduct related to shareholders, ensuring the basic rights as well as fair and equitable treatment and quality information. Encourage shareholders to attend the shareholders’ meeting to engage in the making of significant decisions, acknowledge the progress of the Company’s operations and activities, express their opinions and monitor the Board of Directors and the Management’s performance. Efficient measures are in place to prevent directors and executives from using inside information for their own benefits and refrain from taking any action that infringes or lessens shareholders’ rights.
Treatment of Employees
  1. Promote quality of life by providing good work environment, occupational health and safety.
  2. Emphasize continuous and thorough management and enhancement of its personnel’s knowledge and capability.
  3. Manage and ensure remuneration and welfare is appropriate and comparable to that offered by other leading companies.
  4. Transfer, appoint, award and punish employees equitably and fairly. Allow employees to lodge complaint when treated unfairly or without the appropriate process.
  5. Monitor and ensure full compliance with work-related laws and regulations.
Treatment of Community, Society and Environment
  1. Promote community engagement and communications.
  2. Support community development and enhance community strengths.
  3. Promote the conservation and restoration of local tradition and enhance social quality.
  4. Support environmental conservation and restoration.
  5. Operate business with responsibilities for community, society and environment.
Treatment of Customers
  1. Produce and deliver quality products and services with responsibility for the customers.
  2. Provide conditional warranty for products and services under an appropriate period of time.
  3. Disclose complete and accurate information on products and services.
  4. Provide a complaint system and process whereby customers can lodge complaints on products and services and handle complaints as best as possible.
  5. All executives and employees must keep customers’ information confidential.
  6. Do not ask for, accept or pay any illegal benefit to customers while strictly complying with trade conditions.
Treatment of Creditors
  1. Strictly respect the conditions with creditors.
  2. Do not ask for, accept or pay any illegal benefit to and from creditors.
  3. Cooperate well with creditors to solve problems related to requests for, acceptance or payment of illegal benefits.
  4. Provide accurate, complete, timely and regular financial reports.
  5. Inform creditors in advance if the Company cannot meet conditions to find mutual solutions.
Treatment of Partners/Suppliers
  1. Consider the Company’s best benefits, not personal benefits.
  2. Offer partners and suppliers an equitable and equal opportunity.
  3. Adopt international standards for assessment process, partner selection and contract.
  4. Put in place a good system to monitor that contract and conditions are well and completely respected.
  5. Do not ask for, accept or pay any illegal benefit to partners.
  6. Inform partners/suppliers in advance in case the Company cannot meet the conditions so as to find a mutual solution.
Treatment of Competitors
  1. Respect and adopt internationally-accepted competition guidelines and principles.
  2. Do not seek competitor’s confidential information through dishonest or inappropriate means.
  3. Do not accusing competitors groundlessly.
  4. Do not ask for, accept or pay any illegal benefit to trade competitors.
  5. Strictly respect trade conditions.
Treatment of business partners
  1. Strictly adhere to the contract and commitment.
  2. Provide business assistance that will bring mutual benefits by considering the Company’s benefit as priority and fair return for both parties.
  3. Provide accurate information and report while any negotiations seeking solution to a problem shall be based on business relations.
Treatment of The Public Sector
  1. Support the government and follow the policy and criteria set by related regulators.
  2. Promote and support collaboration for public organizations’ activities.