To ensure that the operations of RATCH Group Public Company Limited (“the Company”) are in accordance with international practice while being fair and transparent, to uphold corporate social responsibilities for all stakeholders to align with good corporate governance and business conduct, and to align with the Company’s declaration with Thailand’s Private Sector Collective Action Coalition against Corruption (CAC), the Board of Directors, in the Board of Directors Meeting 2/2559 on February 18, 2016, has established the Policy on Anti-Fraud and Corruption for all employees of the Company to acknowledge and practice as follows:

1. Philosophy

“The Company will not participate in any form of fraud and corruption whether direct or indirect for its business operations with either government or private entities. The Company prohibits all employees – from the Board of Directors and Management to employee levels – from requesting, operating or accepting any fraud or corruption for their own benefit or for the benefit of others (including family, friends and acquaintances).”

2. Policy
  1. To promote a culture of anti-fraud and corruption in order to foster awareness and collective responsibilities for not becoming involved with fraud, whether directly or indirectly, which could occur through various forms, such as through the provision or acceptance of gifts, sponsorships, charitable contributions, political contributions, hospitality and other relevant expense types.
  2. To establish a formal framework, process, as well as operating guidelines, to prevent fraud and corruption risks with the objectives for all employees to have an understanding of anti-fraud under the same policy, as well as to communicate to all employees, external parties and business partners about the relevant policies and protocols.
  3. To establish an internal control system while taking fraud and corruption risks into consideration.
  4. To establish guidelines and criteria for monitoring and review to ensure appropriate compliance with this policy.
  5. To establish formal regulations for the Management and employees to abide by, to manage fraud and corruption risks.
Regulations on Anti-Fraud and Corruption
Anti-Fraud Corruption Policy
No Gift practice in 2023 New Year's Occasion
Charitable Donations and Sponsorships Order
Reporting on breaches